Quarterly Bulletin

The Quarterly Bulletin of the Society publishes professional and avocational papers relevant to research in Virginia. The topics range from Paleo-Indian Research through to the archeology of the 20th century.
Thane Harpole is the ASV Quarterly Bulletin Editor. Articles for consideration for publication should be sent to:
Thane Harpole
Fairfield Foundation
P.O. Box 157
White Marsh, VA 23183
(804) 815-4467
The ASV publishes a Newsletter that includes announcements, news, and chapter and events information, among other items. Randolph Turner is the Newsletter Editor. Email transmissions are preferred, but when necessary for large files or other items, please mail items for consideration to:
Dr. E. Randolph Turner, III
122 Arena Street
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
You can download issues of the Newsletter as pdf files.
The ASV is also on Facebook for both ASV and Kittiewan Plantation.
The ASV Press is responsible for editing, printing and distributing the Quarterly Bulletin. Our circulation has private, public library, institutional and governmental agency subscribers.
Digital Edition of ASV Quarterly Bulletins Available
ASV has completed the task of digitizing the entire run of Quarterly Bulletins from the beginning of the ASV in 1940 (with the first QB in 1942 and with a WWII hiatus) to 2015 with each one scanned and in searchable PDF format. The digital QB is available on an 8GB memory stick for $25.00, postage included. Click here to order; or To download the form in PDF for orders Click Here
A large number of Quarterly Bulletin issues are available in hard copy from the Archeological Society of Virginia. The copies go back into the 1970s. These publications contain a plethora of data pertaining to Virginia's past and articles are oft quoted in state, regional, and national journals. There is also an Index to the Quarterly Bulletins.
Past issues of the Quarterly Bulletin are available for purchase. If you are not a member, Click here. This will get you the current issues as well.
If interested, please contact:
Bruce Baker
Archeological Society of Virginia
P.O. Box 70395
Richmond, VA 23255-0395
(804) 829-2272
Quarterly Bulletins
Listed below are the Table of Contents for the ASV Quarterly Bulletins starting with the current issue back to June 2000.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2013- Volume 68, Number 4
Table of Contents:
RANDOM IMAGES by Smith, Gary
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2013- Volume 68, Number 3
Table of Contents:
EVIDENCE FOR HUMAN INDUCED TRAUMAS? by Blick, Jeffrey P., Allie Bankston, Courtney M. Campbell, Jessica M. Jackson, Sarah N. Lasting, Emily Mixon & Laura Smith
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2013- Volume 68, Number 2
Table of Contents:
AN UNUSUAL FIND by Manson, C. Niel
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2013- Volume 68, Number 1
Table of Contents:
TWO ROCKART SITES ON THE POTOMAC RIVER FALL LINE by Hranicky, Wm. Jack, Scott Silsby, and Doug Dupin of the Virginia Rockart Survey
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2012- Volume 67, Number 4
Table of Contents:
A Chronological Summary of the Prehistory of the Clark's Branch Site, (44FX3226) by Inashima, Paul Y.
Calloway Methodist Church in Arlington, Virginia by O'Neill, Patrick L.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2013- Volume 68, Number 1
Table of Contents:
The Odocoileus Virginianus Metapodial Shucker: A Unique Middle Woodland II Bone Tool Type From Maycock’s Point Site (44PG0040) by Barber, Dr. Michael B.
Elliptio Complanata Shell Opener (Shucker) by Manson, C. Niel
Two Rockart Sites On The Potomac River Fall Line by Hranicky, Wm Jack, Scott Silsby, and Doug Dupin
A Soapstone Bowl And Grooved Axe From Vandenberg Farm, Arlington County, Virginia by Krakker, James J.
Help From The United Kingdom by Manson, C. Neil
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2012- Volume 67, Number 4
Table of Contents:
A Chronological Summary of the Prehistory of the Clark's Branch Site, (44FX3226) by Inashima, Paul Y.
Calloway Methodist Church in Arlington, Virginia by O'Neill, Patrick L.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2012- Volume 67, Number 3
Table of Contents:
Analysis Of Lithics Recovered From Emergency Excavations At The Sawyer Site Area D (44RN39), Roanoke County, Virginia by Barber, Dr. Michael B.
Mega-Bifaces Of The Lower Middle Atlantic Area by Hranicky, Wm Jack
Teaching Toys Or Other Functions by Browning, Lyle E.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2012- Volume 67, Number 2
Table of Contents:
Stemming Off In A Different Direction: An Analysis Of Tobacco Pipes From Mount Vernon by Barca, Kathryn G.
Brown Johnston Site Revisited: Interpreting A Brief Occupation Of A Late Woodland Village by Kegley, Dan
The Identification And Analysis Of The Bird Eggshell Fragments Recovered From Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, Site A, The Southeast Terrace by Lamzik, Kathryn E.
Peaks Of Otter / Abbott Lake Site (44BE0259), Bedford County, Virginia: New Insight Into Blue Ridge Settlement Patterning by Barber, Dr. Michael B.
Toys For Archaic Tots? by Boyd, Clifford C.
Mystery Item by Frye, Robert
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2012- Volume 67, Number 1
Table of Contents:
An Introduction To The 2003 R. B. Worthy High School (44SM0025) Test Excavations. by Boyd, Clifford C.
44SM0025 Lithic Artifacts by Boyd, Clifford C.
44SM0025 Ceramic Artifacts by Boyd, Clifford C.
Faunal Remains From The 2003 Worthy High School Site (44SM0025), Smyth County, Virginia by Andrews, Susan Trevarthen
Archeobotanical Studies At The Worthy High School Site (44SM0025) by McKnight, Justine Woodard
Investigating The Slave Building At Walnut Valley Plantation (44SY0262), Surry County, Virginia by Sanford, Douglas W.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2011- Volume 66, Number 4
Table of Contents:
Archaeology Incorporated: Ownership And Its Impact On Excavations At Jamestown, Virginia. by King, Clinton
Amid The Bulldozers: Salvage Archaeology On An Historic Abingdon Site by Kegley, Dan
A Selden Island Component In The Eastern Piedmont Of Fairfax County, Virginia by Inashima, Paul Y.,
Sourcing Preferred Lithics Of The Keyser Site (44PA0001) by Manson, C. Neil,
Bare Bones: An Analysis Of Mortuary Data From The Martin Site, Fayette County, Pennsylvania by Goodman, Taryn. N,
Excavations On The Baldwin Block (44HR0200) by Moore, Dr. Elizabeth A.,
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2011- Volume 66, Number 3
Table of Contents:
Supplement No. 1 to “Establishing a Radiocarbon Date Based Framework for Northeastern Virginia Archeology” by Inashima, Paul Y.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2011- Volume 66, Number 2
Table of Contents:
The Dr. Isaac D. Burrell Pharmacy (44RN256) Excavations: The Recovered Fauna by Barber, Dr. Michael B.
Amid The Bulldozers: Salvage Archaeology On An Historic Abingdon Site by Kegley, Dan
Battle Of The Potomac: A Chronological Narrative by Haynes, John H., Jr.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2011- Volume 66, Number 1
Table of Contents:
Mount Vernon Furnace (44RM203): The Industrial Archaeology Of Resource Capitalism In The Virginia Blue Ridge by Ellis, Sarah E.
A Bannerstone from Arlington County, Virginia and Prehistoric Use of the
Four Mile Run Headwaters by Krakker, James J.
The Second Story Fireplace Excavations At The Brugh Tavern, Botetourt County, Virginia: A View Of Domestic Power And Gender In A Late Nineteenth Century Context by Barber, Dr. Michael B.
Late Woodland Crab Orchard Series Pottery by Fuerst, David N.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2010- Volume 65, Number 4
Table of Contents:
Archaeology of the Environment: Human Land Use and its Impacts along the Lower James River by Egghart, Chris
Mason Island Burial Practices As Viewed From The Foster White/Jeffery Village Site (44ld13) Loudoun County, Virginia by Curry, Dennis C.
Mount Vernon Furnace (44RM203): The Industrial Archaeology Of Resource Capitalism In The Virginia Blue Ridge by Ellis, Sarah E.
Late Woodland Crab Orchard Series Pottery by Fuerst, David N.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2010- Volume 65, Number 3
Table of Contents:
The Treaty Of Middle Plantation: Epilogue To Bacon’s Rebellion by McCartney, Martha W.
In Search of the 1862 Battle of Front Royal, Warren County, Virginia by Jolley, Robert L
Settlement Pattern Modeling in Virginia’s Blue Ridge by Barber, Dr. Michael B.
The Reynolds Homestead African-American Cemetery Survey, Patrick County, Virginia: An Exercise in Graveyard Mapping and Study by Barber, Dr. Michael B.and Michael J. Madden
Margaret Richardson’s Poison Ivy Cure by Johnson, Michael F.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2010- Volume 65, Number 2
Table of Contents:
Notes on Defining, Dating and Documenting Early Log Structures in Southwest Virginia
by Pulice, Michael J.
Provenance Of The Stone Pavers In Christ Church, Lancaster County, Virginia by Key, Marcus M., Jr., Robert J. Teagle, and Treleven Haysom
C14 Age Control On A Rappahannock Native American Site On Totuskey Creek (44RD0206) In Richmond County, Virginia by Key, Marcus M., Jr.
Early Archaic Through Woodland Occupations At The Gateway Site (44FX1994) by Johnson, Michael F. and David T. Rubis
Lithic Distribution For Paleopoints In Virginia by Hranicky, Wm. Jack
Interview-Howard A. MacCord, Sr. by Blake, Jerrel, Jr.
Establishing a Radiocarbon Date Based Framework for Northeastern Virginia Archeology by Inashima, Paul Y. Acknowledgements Before the Furnace: Prehistory at Longdale by Short, Christine, Hannah Short, Trube Short How Deep is our Archeological Knowledge? by MacCord, Howard A., Sr. The Virginia Archeobotanical Database Project: A Preliminary Synthesis of Chesapeake Ethnology by McKnight, Justine and Martin Gallivan Fairfield Plantation: Uncovering a Forgotten Virginia Landmark by Harpole, Thane and David Brown North African Aterian Tools in Virginia? by Hranicky, Wm. Jack Dr. Charlton Gilmore Holland (1911-2006) Eulogy by MacCord, Howard A., Sr. Archaeology at George Washington's Mount Vernon, 1931-2006 by Pogue, Dennis J. Pocahontas and the John Smith Resue: The Archaeology of a European Tale-Type by Vest, Jay Hansford C. The Maycock's Point (44PG40) Beach Collection: The Implications of Controlled Survey in a Disturbed Context Or Time and Tide Wait for No Man by Barber, Michael B. and Michael J. Madden Lee Road #2 (44FX2553): A Multi-Component Paleoindian through Potomac Creek, Hornfels Quarry Base Camp by Johnson, Michael F. Copper in Prehistoric Virginia by MacCord, Howard A. Sr. Short Mountain Petroglyph Site, Shenandoah County, Virginia by Hranicky, Wm Jack The 250th Anniversary of the French and Indian War by Jolley, Robert L. The Origins of the Johns Surname: A Monacan Ethnogenesis by Vest, Jay Hansford C. An Archaeological Survey of Selected Civil War Sites in Frederick County, Virginia by Klein, Michael, Emily Lindtveit, Josh Duncan, and Ben Byrnes Analysis of Rimsherds from the Snidow Site (46MC1), Mercer County, West Virginia by Fuerst, David N. Emergency Excavations at the Sawyer Site (44RN39), Area C: A Late Woodland Occupation in Roanoke County, Virginia by Barber, Michael B. Late Woodland Period Researach in Virginia: Recent Trends and Contributions by Hodges, Mary Ellen Norrisey Late Archaic in Virginia: An Updated Overview by Blanton, Dennis B. A Review Of Early Archaic Research In Virginia: A Re-Synthesis A Decade Later by Barber, Michael B. The Prehistory of Virginia by Reinhart, Theodore R. The Birds Are Coming Home To Roost: Re-evaluating The Architectural History Of Turkey Island Plantation by Ross, Douglas E. Archaeological Investigations at the Fawcett Site (44FK563), Glimpses of Quaker Lifeways in the Lower Shenandoah Valley by Jolley, Robert L. Preliminary Reconnaissance and Testing in the Hunter/Hacor Acquisition Property, Fairfax County, Virginia: Methological and CRM Considerations by Johnson, Michael F. The Replication of a Cherokee Bow by Gaessner, Bjoern Analysis of the Artifact Assemblage from the Jeffrey Rockshelter Site (44LD17), Loudon County, Virginia by Michael J. Klein, Tyler S. Theriot, and Rachel A. Jones The Clark Site: A Grayson Series Hamlet in Patrick County, Virginia by Wayne E. Clark
A Brief Retrospective on New River Series Pottery by Fuerst, David N.
Sewing Meaning into Everyday Objects: Exploring Ideas of Identity
And Social Relations at Ferry Farm by Krofft, Heidi
Bad/Good Day at Prehistoric Flintknapping: Two Giles County Examples by Hranicky, Wm Jack
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2010- Volume 65, Number 1Table of Contents:
Constructing Chronologies From Curated Collections For Northern Virginia's Late Woodland Period: A Threatened Sites Project by Means, Bernard K. and Justine McKnight
New Radiometric Dates And Canine-Human Burial Ceremonialism At Weyanoke Old Town, (44PG51), Virginia by Blick, Jeffrey P., Ph.D. in collaboration with: Leverette B. Gregory & Eva S. Gregory
Artifact Poor--Information Rich, Low Density Prehistoric Sites As High Quality Resources by Egghart, Chris
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2009- Volume 64, Number 4Table of Contents:
It's A Bear, No It's A Horse, No, It's A Salamander: Iron Terminology And Usage: A Glossary Of Common Terms And An Overview Of Iron Related Sources by Brothers, James H. IV.
George Washington's Union Farm (44FX2001) by O'Neill, Patrick L.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2009- Volume 64, Number 3Table of Contents:
Evidence Of Siouan Occupation by Spencer, Darla I.
Obituary of William A. "Bill" Thompson, Jr.
Tribute To Bill Thompson by O'Neill, Patrick L.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2009- Volume 64, Number 2Table of Contents:
An Archaeological Survey Of Rutherford's Farm, The Site Of Two Civil War Battles And a Field Hospital (44FK624), Frederick County, virginia by Jolley, Robert
Eulogy of Russell E. Darden by Taylor, Fred D.
Tribute To Russell E. Darden by Nansemond Chapter, ASV
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2009- Volume 64, Number 1Table of Contents:
Bibliography-Howard A. MacCord, Sr. by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
Memorial-Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Funeral-Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Latest Honor-Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Pictorial-Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2008- Volume 63, Number 4Table of Contents:
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2008- Volume 63, Number 3Table of Contents:
Site Map of Poplar Forest
Introduction by Heath, Barbara J.
A Summary of Prehistoric Archaeology at Poplar Forest by Adams, Keith
Rediscovering Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest by Heath, Barbara J.
Jefferson’s Curtilage Landscape: Preliminary Interpretations of Site B by Gary, Jack
A Minimum Vessel Count for Site B by Gary, Jack & Elizabeth Paull
Late Antebellum Slavery at Poplar Forest (1828-62) by Lee, Lori A.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2008- Volume 63, Number 2Table of Contents:
Chesapeake Bay Fauna during the Early Seventeenth Century: Differential Utilization Systems – Aboriginal versus Immigrant by Barber, Michael B.
Archaeology and Virginia Indian History by Hantman, Jeffrey L.
50 Years Since the Last Jamestown Event: The Trajectory of the Study of the Prehistoric and Contact Period by Barber, Michael B.
Kittiewan Plantation (44CC0404) Charles City County, Virginia by O'Neill, Patrick
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2008- Volume 63, Number 1Table of Contents:
A Brief Retrospective on New River Series Pottery by Fuerst, David N.
An Archaeological Survey of an 1864 Union Civil War Earthwork and Encampment (44FK111) Frederick County, Virginia by Jolley, Robert
Slave and Five Black Settlement and Historical Land Use along the Lower James River: a Cartographical Case Study by Egghart, Chris
Remembering a Long-Time Colleague – Hugh Stabler by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2007- Volume 62, Number 4Table of Contents:
An Archaeological Survey of the Confederate Left Flank, Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia, September, 19, 1864 by Jolley, Robert
2007 Annual ASV Meeting Abstracts
2007 Annual ASV Awards
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2007- Volume 62, Number 3Table of Contents:
The Prehistoric Archaeology of Fairfield Plantation by Heinsman, Sarah
Searching for the Seventeenth Century Fairfield by Maloy, Mark
The Architecture of the Fairfield Manor House: The Convergence of Wealth, Style and Practicality by Harpole, Thane and David Brown
Virtual Fairfield: Virtual Reality's Role in Archaeology, Education, and Fund-Raising at Fairfield by Miller, Nathaniel C.
Space and Perspective in Four Burwell Gardens by Mahoney, Meredith A. H.
Metal Detecting at Fairfield Plantation: Looking For What Might Not Be There by Brown, David A. and Jameson M. Harwood
The Changing Landscape of Fairfield Plantation by Brown, David A. and Thane Harpole
The Wine Bottle Seals of Fairfield: An Archaeology of the Individual by Smith, Anthony W.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2007- Volume 62, Number 2Table of Contents:
Richard G. Slattery and the History of Archeology in Southwest Virginia by Glanville, Jim
The Gibraltar Forge Complex: Location is Everything by Hepner, James M.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2007- Volume 62, Number 1Table of Contents:
Selected Bibliography of Charlton Gilmore ("C.G.") Holland by Reinhart, Theodore R.
The Space Farms Museum Collection of Southwest Virginia Artifacts by Glanville, Jim
Matoaka, Her Capture, Conversion, and Marriage: The Archaeology of a Euro-Levantine Tale Type by Vest, Jay Hansford C.
Thorowgood History by Treanor, W. Paul
Abstracts, Archeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 27-29, 2006, Richmond, Virginia
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2006- Volume 61, Number 4Table of Contents:
Blacksmithing at George Washington's Mount Vernon by Bessey, Fiona S. and Dennis J. Pogue
Home is Where the Trash Is: Excavating the Early Households of Mount Vernon by Breen, Eleanor E.
Archaeology and Restoration along Mount Vernon's South Lane by White, Esther C.
"a pretty considerable distillery": Excavating George Washington's Whiskey Distillery by Breen, Eleanor E. and Esther C. White
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2006- Volume 61, Number 3Table of Contents:
McCAry Fluted point Survey: Points 1015 to 1035 - A Continuing Study of Virginia Paleoindian Technology by Hranicky. Wm Jack
Virginia Lithic Types: Chert, Quartzite, and Others by Holland, John D.
Article Review by Fuerst, David N.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2006- Volume 61, Number 2Table of Contents:
A method of Making American Seventeenth-Century Decorated Clay Tobacco Pipes by Kiser, Taft and Al Luckenbach
The 1866 Burial of Nathaniel Burwell (44RN97), Roanoke County, Virginia: A Cast Iron Torpedo-Shaped Coffin by Barber, Michael B.
Exposing Structure D at the Rock Castle Site, Hanover County, Virginia by Smith, Kirby
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2006- Volume 61, Number 1Table of Contents:
Monacans and Huguenots: Manakin Town and the Ethnogenesis of the Monacan Nation by Vest, Jay Hansford C.
Cartridge Identification for Small Arms Ammunitions by Madden, Michael J.
Abstracts, Archeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 28-30, 2005, Winchester, Virginia
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2005- Volume 60, Number 4Table of Contents:
Opechancanough and the Monacans: The Legend of Trader Hughes and Princess Nicketti Reconsidered by Vest, Jay Hansford C.
The Third Annual Archeological Society of Virginia's Student Paper Contest: Results, Recognition, and Publications by Duncan, Joshua F.
Experimental Production of Lithic Debitage and Comparison to the Assemblage from 44KG191-192 by Blake, Kevin
Foodways and Culture: Conclusions Based on Faunal Bone Analysis at Longdale Furnace by Waity, Jill
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2005- Volume 60, Number 3Table of Contents:
Further Considerations in the Ethnogenesis of the Monacan Indian Nation: The Saponi Origins of Selected Families by Vest, Jay Hansford C.
Medicine for the Troops: Glass from a Civil War Encampment in Centreville, Virginia by Moore, Lawrence E. and Gwen J. Hurst
Book Review by MacCord, Howard A. Sr.
EndpaperThe Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2005- Volume 60, Number 2Table of Contents:
Archaeological Investigations at Fort Loudoun (44FK593): A French and Indian War Period Fortification, Winchester, Virginia by Jolley, Robert L.
In Search of a Porch: Final Report on Salvage Excavations at the Mansion House by Wilke, C. Mike
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2005- Volume 60, Number 1Table of Contents:
McCary Fluted Point Survey Points 1009 to 1014: A Continuing Study of Virginia Paleoindian Technology by Hranicky, Wm Jack
Changing Landscapes/Changing Traditions: Domestic Life at an Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Farmstead in Augusta County, Virginia by Higgins, Thomas F. III
Falling Creek Ironworks: Past, Geophysics, and Future by Browning, Lyle E.
Abstracts, Archeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 29-31, 2004, Lexington, Virginia
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2004- Volume 59, Number 4Table of Contents:
The LaRue Site, Bath County, Virginia by Jaeger, Harry A. and Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Chert from the Williamson and Bolster's Store Sources, Dinwiddie County, and the Mitchell Plantation Source, Sussex County, Virginia by Stevenson, Christopher M., Michael D. Glascock, and Robert J. Speakman
Float, Sink, or Swim: An Argument for Archaeological Flotation by Barber, Michael B. and Michael J. Madden
An Unusual Cache of Halifax Points by Livesay, James A. and James A. Livesay, Jr.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2004- Volume 59, Number 3Table of Contents:
Prehistoric Settlements of Interior Streams in the Virginia Coastal Plain by Egghart, Christopher
Potomac Valley Prehistory: The Early Students by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
An Earthfast Surprise by Smith, R. Kirby
Endpaper The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2004- Volume 59, Number 2 Table of Contents:
An Archaeological Survey of Historic Pottery Sites, Frederick County, Virginia by Jolley, Robert L.
Salvage Excavations at Ware Bottom Church (44CF103), Chesterfield County, Virginia by Burns, Dawn R.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2004- Volume 59, Number 1Table of Contents:
Late Woodland Period Research in Virginia: Recent Trends and Contributions by Turner, E. Randolph III
McCary Fluted Point Survey Points 1000 to 1008: A Continuing Study of Virginia Paleoindian Technology by Hranicky, Wm. Jack
Abstracts, Archeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 24-26, 2003, Williamsburg, Virginia
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2003- Volume 58, Number 4Table of Contents:
The Past Decade of Research on the Early Woodland Period in Virginia by Klein, Michael J.
An Archaeological Survey of Hupp's Hill, A Civil War Site (44SH353), Shenandoah County, Virginia by Jolley, Robert L.
The Stabler Pipe: The Story Behind A Remarkable Find by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2003- Volume 58, Number 3Table of Contents:
A Review Of The Middle Archaic Period In Virginia by Tolley, George A.
The Occaneechis: An Archeological Enigma by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
Summary Report Of Findings At The Edd's Mill Site (44LE99), Lee County, Virginia by Egghart, Christopher
Dendrochronologist Speaks To CCC Co. 2303 by Miller, Carl F. The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2003- Volume 58, Number 2Table of Contents:
Paleoindian Research in Virginia and Beyond by Boyd, C. Clifford, Jr.
Bioarcheological Investigation of the Grave of William D. Farley, Confederate Scout by Owsley, Douglas W., Malcolm L. Richardson, and William F. Hanna
Mountain Cave: A Preliminary Report and Comparison with Williams Cave and Mud Glyph Cave by Martin, Mark The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2003- Volume 58, Number 1Table of Contents:
Colono: Also A European Pottery Tradition? by Heite, Edward F.
Bannerstones: A Study On Their Holes by Hranicky, Wm. Jack
Deep Creek Landing Site by Bandjunis, Vytautus B.
Abstracts, Archeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 11-13, 2002, Blacksburg, Virginia
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2002- Volume 57, Number 4Table of Contents:
Radiocarbon Dates from the Shannon Site (44MY8), Montgomery County, Virginia by Boyd, C. Clifford, Jr.
Military Service Identification of Soldiers ?buried in a Church Cemetery in New Market, Virginia by Owsley, Douglas W., Malcolm L. Richardson, and Charles K. Gailey III
Orchard Nails: An Analysis of Nails from the Old Orchard at Stratford hall Plantation, Westmoreland County, Virginia by Stringfellow, Jennifer L.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2002- Volume 57, Number 3Table of Contents:
The Draper Valley Site Revisited by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
Survey of Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina Indian Caches by Hranicky, Wm. Jack
The Archeology Backlog Project: A Progress Report by Egloff, Keith T. & Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2002- Volume 57, Number 2Table of Contents:
The Probe: A Remote Sensing System by Richardson, Malcom L.
The Berryville Site, Clark County, Virginia by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
Unpublished Paper by Ben C. McCary by Hranicky, Wm. Jack
Nineteenth-Century Roads in Virginia by Lukezic, Craig
A Possible Kitchen and Structure D Testing at Eighteenth-Century Rock Castle Farm (44HN90), Hanover County, Virginia by Smith, Kirby
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2002- Volume 57, Number 1Table of Contents:
Camps for Wintering-Over? by Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Dismal Swamp Prehistory As Represented at the Magnolia Site, Suffolk, Virginia by Dennis S. Blanton
A Summary of the 1973 Archaeological Excavations at the Jamestown Plaza Site (44RN5), Roanoke, Virginia by Thomas Klatka
Abstracts, Archeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 19-21, 2001, Williamsburg, Virginia
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2001- Volume 56, Number 4Table of Contents:
The Tar Bay and Beachwood Collections by Steve Thomas, Jr.
Excavations at the Whitetop Station (44GY299), Grayson County, Virginia: An Early Twentieth-Century Railroad Station on the Abingdon Branch by Michael B. Barber, George A. Tolley, Mark A. Martin, and Joel C. Hardison
Surface Finds at the New Point Comfort Site, Mathews County, Virginia by Vytautus B. Bandjunis
A Summary of the 1972 Archaeological Investigations at the Wise Avenue Site (44RN4), Roanoke County, Virginia by Tom Klatka
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2001- Volume 56, Number 3Table of Contents:
Gulf Branch (44AR5): Prehistoric Interaction at the Potomac Fall Line by Johnson, Michael F.
Pipe Bowl Mean Dates by Mallios, Seth
Orphaned Sites: Oft-Overlooked Research Potentials by MacCord, Howard A., Sr.
Middle Woodland Settlement in the Interior Coastal Plain: Excavations at 44JC1052 and 44JC1053 by Gallivan, Martin & Helen Blouet
More Field Testing at Rock Castle by Smith, Kirby
Indian Music and Instruments by Jones, Emory Eugene, Jr.
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2001- Volume 56, Number 2Table of Contents:
Difficult Run Petroglyphs (44FX2380): A Prehistoric Solar Observatory in the Potomac River Valley of Virginia by Jack Hranicky
How Crowded Was Virginia in A. D. 1607? by Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Pitted Hammerstones: Form and Function by Michael B. Barber
Late Woodland Engraved Marine Shell Gorgets from Virginia, West Virginia, and Beyond by Darla S. Hoffman
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
March, 2001- Volume 56, Number 1Table of Contents:
A Tale of Two Ships: A Comparison of the Salvage Efforts on the U.S.S. Cairo and the U.S.S. Monitor by Alex Bennett
Dan River Culure and Its Expansion West of the Blue Ridge by Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Abstracts of the Archeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 20-22, 2000
Letter from the New Editor
Author Information
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
December, 2000- Volume 55, Number 4Table of Contents:
Author Information
The Lilly Point Site (44NK3), New Kent County, Virginia by Edward A. Chappell and Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Field Testing at Rock Castle Farm (44HN90), Hanover County, Virginia by Kirby Smith
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
September, 2000- Volume 55, Number 3Table of Contents:
Author Information
Civil War Archaeology at Fort Pocahontas: Life Between the Trenches by Todd L. Jensen
Dating the Prehsitoric Davis Site (44LA46) in Lancaster County, Virginia by Marcus M. Key, Jr., and Emily S. Gaskin
Geoarchaeology of Native American Pottery from the Prehistoric Davis Site (44LA46) in Lancaster County, Virginia by Marcus M. Key, Jr., and Emily S. Gaskin
Scraper-Planes of the Coastal Plain of Virginia by Christopher S. Eckard
The Quarterly Bulletin
of the Archeological Society of Virginia-
June, 2000- Volume 55, Number 2Table of Contents:
Author Information
Geoarchaeology of Terra Cotta Tobacco Pipes from the Colonial Period Davis Site (44LA46), Lancaster County, Virginia by Marcus M. Key, Jr., and Tara E. Jones
The Trittipoe Site (44LD10), Loudoun County, Virginia by Wm. J. Hranicky and Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
Late Woodland Features at Site 44SK40, Hillpoint Farm, Suffolk, Virginia by Dennis B. Blanton, Stevan C. Pullins, and Heather Lapham